Stories of Hope

From around the globe to building abilities at Capper… A.B. Charts His Path to Success

Over 30 years ago, a young boy named Abdallah “A.B.” Anwar who was born with cerebral palsy, moved over 7,300 miles away from his home in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia to…

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Kendra’s Story: Taking Charge of Her Future

Nearly 13 years ago, we shared the inspirational story of Kendra Turnbough, who at the time, was a college student receiving physical therapy at Capper Foundation. At the time, she…

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Victoria’s Story: A Journey of Discovery

For nearly four years, Victoria has taken the initiative to make positive changes in her life to help her gain greater independence with the assistance of Capper Foundation’s Adult Day…

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Edison’s Story: Cleared for Takeoff

On September 26, 2022, Edison Sinkler was involved in a life-changing accident that led him to receive treatment at Capper Foundation. Through his own determination, support from his family, and…

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Helping Tatum Thrive

As a toddler, Tatum Blanco was diagnosed with autism and at the time could not use words to communicate his needs, wants, or emotions. Often frustrated, Tatum would exhibit aggressive…

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Meet Capper’s Greenest Thumb

Everyone knows what makes plants grow – air, water, sunlight, and nutrient-rich soil. Add John, our unofficial “Master Gardener” into the mix and the Capper gardens are in full bloom…

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Easton’s Story

On November 7, 2022, Andrew and Candice Beightel thought their 13-year-old daughter, Easton just needed a day home from school as she wasn’t feeling well. That afternoon, Easton had a…

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Elizabeth Mowery: Discovering success in DNA

“Don’t let anyone tell you that you are worthless because you have a disability!” These words of wisdom have become a motto for Elizabeth Mowery and others that are living…

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Jasper Shrake: Finding his own path to excel

“Jasper brightens my day whenever I see him. He helps me see how beautiful the world is through the eyes of a child. He notices the sky and clouds, the…

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Always Amazing: Amira

For nearly three years, Amira Payne has received Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Speech Therapy at Capper Foundation where she is building her abilities in a meaningful, joyful play-based environment.…

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